Riikka Iivanainen

Riikka Iivanainen

Content design

2 stories

A blue square with the sentence “As a content designer, I” followed by a blank space. Above the space are various verbs including write, design, prototype, test, analyse, lead, strategise and localise.
Riikka Iivanainen

Riikka Iivanainen

User interviews

6 stories

A person solving a Rubik’s cube.
A painting of two men sitting on chairs in front of a yellow background. The other man is leaning forward and looking engaged, while the other is looking bored.
A painting of two women sitting in a room engaged in a conversation.
Riikka Iivanainen

Riikka Iivanainen

UX & behavioral sciences

5 stories

An apple and an orange next to each other on a table.
Two streets signs saying “one way" pointing in different directions.
A vintage-style library with curved bookshelves filled with books.
Riikka Iivanainen

Riikka Iivanainen

Writer, content designer, and user researcher fascinated by the human mind and behavior. I study (social) psychology for fun and love telling stories.